Monday, 31 October 2011

Happy Hallowe'en

Ah, Hallowe'en!  It is quite possibly my favourite holiday of the year.  I like the promises that it brings.

Promises of little ghouls and goblins, princes and princesses, witches and warlocks, superheroes and supervillains, all parading around in the hopes of getting a piece of candy or two (or two hundred, totally depends on where you live and what kind of ground you can cover in one evening.)

Promises of Moms and Dads and older siblings diligently taking these young ones around the block, chatting with friends and neighbours, and generally having a spooky old time.  

Promises of porchlights being lit, creepy decorations lining the rows of houses down the street, and flickering jack-o'-lanterns grinning ghoulishly as you walk up to that next doorstep.

Some people may be all hum-buggish about this particular holiday, but I simply say, "Boo on you!"  (See what I did there? Mmwhahahaha!)  By the way, this time of year is not about dressing up as a sexy/slutty-fill-in-the-blank-profession-here; such a pet peeve of mine, ewwwww.  It's about coming up with creative and conversation-starting costumes and having a great time doing it!  "Why yes, I AM dressed up as the Doppler effect" (Oh Sheldon Cooper, how I admire those costumes of yours, even if they are written in by sitcom staff...)  

And for those of you who aren't planning on going out this eerie, and rainy, Hallowe'en evening, I suggest a spook-tacular movie night in.  Personally, I shall be watching Young Frankenstein and Dracula: Dead and Loving It

So happy Hallowe'en everyone!  Stay safe and be sure to grab lots of candy loot!!

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